Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Toad in the Hole

Anyone who knows me is so aware of the fact,
 the strangest things always happen around me.
Hense, this little guy who thought he might just have a drink of water.
Not caring at all where or who it may belong too!

   Or for that, figuring out once he got in there, how he was going to get out.
Lucky for him the water was gone, funny for me, what if I would have drank him!
Of course, on a hot day in the garden water doesn't last all that long.
Thank goodness for me finding ones prince by drinking him was not my idea
of a happy ending.

          So the desire to escape began...
had I put my hand down in the cup I would have crushed him.
Why do I say him, for the same reason I suppose a man calls his car her.
As many times I gently put the cup upside down he would not come out. Amazing
how such a little creature can hang on...

After awhile of trying to climb up the cup he settled again. Me, I was talking to him as if he could process what I was saying...come on little guy..get up...I know you want out, I kept repeating.
Had he of answered they would have found me lying passed out on the ground!

Now I have no idea how long our relationship lasted but here we are starring at each
other. Either he thought I was going to turn in to his princess frog or I my mate.
Actually, I do believe he's trying to figure out what's going on...

In a final attempt to get him out of my cup without literally shaking it, I decided to put it
on the ground one more time. In a few moments you will find out what happened.

As you can see he eventually crawled out of the cup. Now again if you know me
strange things happening to me isn't abnormal. In fact, I had a deer follow me
walking down a side road. Indeed a car scattered the deer and the driver, well, he
stopped to ask me if I knew it was following me. I responded, "yes, but don't ask
just say it's weird to you, but for me, well lets just say it's me.

Out of the cup the little guy was heading right down
the end of the driveway to be road kill no one would see.
 I quickly grabbed him by the legs to prevent any harm.
Tiny isn't he? Now my hand well, I did say I was in the garden.
What I didn't say...should I kiss him or not? Does a toad really turn into a prince?

I didn't ask and of course he couldn't tell me! Or is it true you shouldn't kiss and tell?
I think the photograph says it all..he was just a toad in a hole.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Daniella!
    Boy you had me sucked in for this post! I read it from start to finish and enjoyed it all!! I'm glad you rescued the potential "little prince." I think those "strange" things happen to you because you must have the vibe of being "safe" to all those little (and big) creatures. I love it when I can get close to wild creatures. (As long as they aren't dangerous of course!!)

    I sent you my number in an email, so call me anytime!!
